
Hey, and welcome to Snazzy Biscuits! My name is Amy, I am 16 years old and Northern Ireland is the place I call home. I am currently studying and sitting exams, but I would much rather be sampling macarons in a Parisian Patisserie right

about now…

I always dreamed of owning my own little cupcake shop or bakery, with the yummiest, most delicious flavours and frostings.

Then I guess somewhere along the way I decided it may be better to have a back up career plan, just in case. So I hope to study law, possibly, maybe. If Cambridge will have me, I don’t see a problem  with spending a few years there, I mean I wouldn’t complain!

I have tried to convince myself many times that me and baking and food just aren’t going to make me my millions, and that I’d be better to focus on something more worthwhile.. But then I stumble across another beautiful baking blog, (whilst I’m meant to be on a revision break, or a quick twitter update of course) and my heart does a funny little flutter,  and I know me and baking haven’t quite ended our love affair just yet!

So join me as I share my favourite sweet delights, and baked goods that have got me falling in love all over again…

Amy <3

40 thoughts on “About

  1. Amy… follow your heart. I dabbled with many career options and even ended up getting a Bachelors and Masters in Law at 40, just for kicks (yeah! I’m crazy that way ;-))… but food remains a passion.

    All the best with your dream of owning your own bakery or patisserie some day :-) I’m certain that you’ll make it happen.

    • Aww you are so lovely, thank you! I stopped by your blog too, and your experiences are so inspiring. You’re right, it is definitely better to truly do what you love.

      This blog is definitely helping me rediscover what I am really passionate about! Thank you very much for your encouragement, its mean a lot! :) and hopefully, watch this space..!

  2. I wish you all the very best Amy with your career choice and academics. I feel your parents are right about the solid back up plan. There will be opportunities in life later on when you can do what you want to do. And for that you would have saved plenty of $$$$ to set up your own sweet little bakery shop. Now I should stop preaching and use the rest of the time to browse through your lovely blog.

    • I think I agree with you there.. I want to get out and see the world and build up experiences before I make my final decision I guess, food and baking will still be waiting when I choose to come back! And aww you’re very kind, thank you! Enjoy!

  3. Good luck with your dreams and your studies Amy. I turned one of my passions into a career already. Maybe one day I will also turn food into a career too.

    Perhaps one day you will be an advocate for baked goods? One of my dearest friends is an excellent baker also has a background in law. Who says the two do not go hand in hand?

    • That is very true! I had considered combining food technology, advertising laws and standards within the food and restaurant industry.. it could also be an interesting way of combining the two I guess. Although of course it still wouldn’t be quite the same as baking all day!

      Thank you very much for your advice, lovely of you to drop by! :)
      P.s I thought your name was very snazzy!

      • There’s plenty of lawmaking in the food industries. I love designing for the food industry. I have chocolate clients, wine clients and many restaurants clients. I used to have a meat client too but they moved on. I wonder, I could probably aim just to be paid in contra goods one day. The edible bribes may or may not help. I wonder if it’s morally wrong for lawyers to bake or accept edible bribes?

  4. AMY! you’re gonna read law too? i’m currently in my 3rd year of law school and i’m sure you will love it (and hate it at the same time) too! and thanks for the nomination :) xx

    • Aww thank you so much, you’re so kind! Much appreciated! Although, yea, I think I’ll give it a miss this time, it really does take so much time, hehe, but thank you once again! :) x

  5. Follow your heart and dreams – 25 years later I am a baker / cook trapped in an Tech workers body!… a job I enjoy and it pays the bills but not really my life’s work…. your blog is lovely!

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